The Silver Stallion

James Branch Cabell : An Illustrated Bibliography

THE JEWEL MERCHANTS: A Comedy in one Act

James Hall Code


little theatreA one act play, The Jewel Merchants was first performed by the Little Theatre League of Richmond, Virginia, at the Binford High School Auditorium on 22 February, 1921, under the title Balthazar's Daughter. The programme for this event is shown at left. The play is a dramatization of the short story "Balthazar's Daughter", which was first published in The Smart Set in 1913, and was was incorporated into The Certain Hour in 1916.

The play itself was published in The Smart Set, No. 161, July, 1921. In this magazine version the exposition and stage directions are somewhat abbreviated when compared to those in the McBride printing, although the text of the play appears to be the same in both.

The Jewel Merchants was reprinted in the Storisende Edition, bound with From the Hidden Way, where it was titled as The Jewel Merchants: A Comedy of Echoes (FHW-C1 (S)). This volume also appeared in the Red Storisende binding (FHW-C2 (RS)).